Tein hernekuukusilla värjätyistä langoista tammi-lapaset. Kokeilin muutamaakin muuta pohjaväriä, mutta purin kokeilut ja parhaalta minusta näytti luonnonmusta pohja. Siitä erilaiset kellanruskeat nousevat kauniisti esille ja värit näyttävät juuri samalta kuin ruskan kellastamat tammen lehdet:)
Tein samoista langoista myös tarvikepaketteja kauppaani, näitä värejä ei riitä kovin pitkälle, mutta nyt paketteja on jonkin verran:)
In English
I knitted mittens with the yarns I had dyed with mushroom Pisolithus arhizus. I tried first couple of other basic colors for these mittens, but ended up frogging them and made a pair with natural sheep black as a basic color, I think that is so good with almost any naturally dyed color.)
These mittens are called Autum Oak- mittens, because I think the color is just like autumn color in leaves of oaks in my garden.
I had enough of these yarns to make a limited number of kits which are now available in my shop.
Wow, your mittens are more than lovely. Those colours are just too wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI find your dyeing posting simply fascinating, and your knitted creation are divine. Thank you for sharing. Pepper
They are beautiful. I enjoy your blog and all the colours of your yarns. I have a white finn fleece but it has alot of vm in it. I do luv finn though.
ReplyDeleteWonderful pattern!
ReplyDeleteUskomattoman kauniit!
ReplyDeleteLeena, I love all the colors you dye, and these mittens show some of them beautifully. I'm about to start working on other mittens I bought as kits from you, I'm looking forward to them!