In English
Last week was a cold week even here in south of Finland, no snow yet but freezing days. Thursday we went to look if we could find the last tooth fungi or polypores in places where we had found them previously. Even at noon the grasses in the little swamp were still frosty.

Even delicious (but not very good for dyeing) Cantharellus tubaeformis mushrooms were frozen.

In English
We followed a small path made by animals of the forest: deer, moose or foxes, and found more frozen Cantharellus growing in the moss. Forest in the late autumn is quiet, a lone Great Spotted Woodpecker made some noises and a small flock of tits (mostly Great Tits) was trying to find food from the pines. A pair of ravens propably heard our quiet voices and came checking out who was disturbing their forest. They flew over us talking to eack other and then turned away, hopefully thinking we were harmless:)

In English
Near the big old pine in the picture above we found last year dyer's polypores (Phaeolus schweinitzii), but there were none this year. Only one small left unnoticed last year, and now it was so old and partly decayed that moss had grown on top of it, picture below.
Even though other parts of Finland got a lot of rain last summer, here it was pretty dry, only in August it rained, so that some mushrooms popped up in September, but I quess that was not enough for these polypores or tooth fungi either, we had not found them hardly at all this year.
In English
A lone Red Banded Polypore (Fomitopsis pinicola) was so old that there wasn't any red visible any more. This is a good polypore for making paper, but I didn't collect it now.

In English
In Finland mushroom season for dye mushrooms is really short, only a month ( September), two at best. I envy the mushroom dyers in northern west coast of the US or Canada where the season is still going, and it seems that it is a lot longer there, but of course now I can dye with dried mushrooms and knit:) And I can pick polypores or tooth funghi as long as there is no snow, actually they keep getting better when they are frozen and old. Maybe I still find some.
Ihania metsäkuvia! Sinulla taisi olla oma kuvaaja mukana... Tosi on, että värisieniaika on todella lyhyt, ja tänä vuonna se tuntui vieläkin lyhyemmältä. Täällä meilläpäin syyskuun alussa oli reilun viikon ajan tosi paljon poimimista, ja sen jälkeen ei taas oikein mitään. Pitäisi ehtiä silloin metsään joka päivä (ja jossain välissä käsittelemään saalistaan) tai sitten jää vain haikailemaan seuraavaa vuotta!
Nin olikin oma kuvaaja:)
ReplyDeleteTosin välillä sanoin hänelle, että mulla pitäisi olla oma kamera, että ei tarvitsisi osoitella hänelle, että kuvaa tuo ja tuo.. ja että olisi tekemistä sillä välin kun odottelen, kun hän kuvaa:) On kivempi mennä kuitenkin metsään kahdestaan kuin yksin.
Hello Mrs. Riihelä, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I was fortunate to visit Finland for several weeks in 1997 and have been longing to return.
ReplyDeleteMay I have your permission to mention your blog and your mitten kits on my blog? It is new and only has about thirty readers at the moment but I think those readers might really enjoy being pointed in your direction.
I'm glad you enjoy this:)
ReplyDeleteI am honored if you mention my blog and kits in your blog.
Your photos had a magical quality this time, almost like in a fairy tale. The forest looks so mystical with its lovely sprinkle of frost. I really enjoyed this post.
ReplyDeleteI was also intrigued by mushrooms while walking through a forest near us. You can see my pictures on my blog. Very colorful and sometimes ugly but all very different. I would hesitate to pick any of these mushroom without knowing what they were. As it was, we came home with chiggers which took us several weeks to finally get over the bites. I love to dye with natural things but so far have only used dried onion skins which produced a wonder gold color. I would love to try other dyes and am disappointed that I didn't save my marigolds at the end of the season. Your knitting is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteTäälläkin on ollut karhunkääpien osalta kehno vuosi. En ole löytänyt yhtään vanhoilta kasvupaikoilta.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your forest with us! It has such a gorgeous, ancient, magical feel about it. I miss that kind of forest energy now that I've moved to the desert, so I very much appreciate having a dose of the forest through your blog.
ReplyDeleteHallo Leena, been lurking for some months now because i enjoy your story's tremendeously. I allready learned a lot about dying from you. Quiet times coming now in wintertime? I'll still be following you, because i love you blog, story's and foto's, especially of the forest, very much.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes
Thanks, I will have to post more pictures for you once in a while.
ReplyDeleteMartine, yes winter is quiet for dyeing, but I will still do something, first now is big xmas fair coming and I have to prepare for that, so that I have enough to sell:), but then January and February are quiet time, but I like it. It gives me time to rest when all the other time of the year is so busy.