Tässä uusia äitini lapasmalleja, joista on nyt tarvikepaketit myös nettikaupassani.
Oikeanpuoleinen on nimeltään Kellot, muistoja kesäisestä kukkaniitystä tai tienpenkan kissankelloista. Kellojen sininen on värjätty väritattarella (japanilainen indigo) ja vihreä samettijaloilla.
Vasemmanpuolimmaisen inspiraationa ovat olleet aikaisin toukokuussa puutarhassa kukkivat palloesikot. Vihreä lapasissa on värjätty edelleen samettijaloilla, kahta erilaista vihreää ja kukkien väri kokenillilla. Lapasten nimi on Palloesikko.
In English
It is still many months before spring comes, but I can think of flowers even when knitting:)
Here are my mothers new mittens, and there are also kits for them in my shop.
The on on the right is called Bellflowers, I think of summer meadows when looking at them, or harebells (Campanula rotundifolia) growing by little roads. The blue in the flowers is dyed with japanese indigo and green with mushroom Tapinella atrotomentosa.
The inspiration for the other mittens has been Drumstick primroses (Primula denticulata) that are growing in the garden, they are one of the first primroses that flower in the spring. There are two greens, both dyed with mushroom Tapinella atrotomentosa and the color of the flowers is dyed with cochineal. The name of these mittens is just Primroses.
If you want to get your order outside Europe before Christmas in Economy mail, they have to be sent at the latest Monday Dec 1st and I recommend the same to Europe, even though Finnish mail says that Dec 8th is the last day to send mail to Europe in Economy mail.
Both pairs are just lovely. I like all the colours and the patterns. The Bellflowers do brighten a gray winter day, don't they? :-)
ReplyDeleteVoi miten kauniit. Taisit juuri ratkaista taas muutamien joululahjojen kohtalon :)