Toiseen 80g satsiin laitoin verihelttaseitikillä ensin värjättyjä lankoja, alakuvassa kokenillisten vieressä. Vaaleammasta veriheltan jälkiväristä tuli kokenilliliemessä violetimpaa, vasemman puolimmainen 1699, kuin tumman oranssista , joka taas taittui punaisemmaksi samassa liemessä, 1695. Jälkiliemeen laitoin vaalean ruskeaa lankaa, tuloksena yläkuvan vasemmanpuolimmainen lanka 1694.
In English
Last week I dyed again with cochineal, same way as before, in July3rd posting. In the beginning I had 80 grams of cochineal, processed same way as before and in the first bath used dark grey yarn which is now the one on the right, no 1697. In the afterbath was light grey yarn, the one in the middle, no1696. To another 80 grams of cochineal I put yarn first dyed with mushrooms Cortinarius semisanguineus, they are in the bottom picture beside cochineal yarns. The lighter yarn turned out more violet, the left one no 1699, in the same bath the more orange yarn looks now more red, no1695, a kind of warmer color. From the same bath I got another afterbath, now used light brown yarn (sheep color), that one is in the top picture no 1694.

Nice results! I tried cochineal on alum-mordanted wool last year with only a pale pink-violet result so I want oto give it another try soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks Birdsong, I like these colors also:)
ReplyDeleteWith natural dyes you an never be quite sure just what color you end up with, even when you do the same way as before (on the other hand that's the beauty of it), but
I use quite a lot of cochineal/yarn, so I think if you got pale pink-violet, you had too little of it. Try the way I do it, I described it in my earlier cochineal postings (under label cochineal)
And dyeing cochineal over some other orange or gold color, osage orange there in United States, or rhubarb root, gives the more reddish colors even with only alum mordant.