Muusasin puhdistetut sienet isoon lasipurkkiin ja kaadoin niiden päälle ammoniakilla terästettyä vettä (pH9) niin, että ne peittyivät. Sitten kansi tiiviisti kiinni. Seuraavana aamuna liemi oli jo mustaa, mutta purkki saa muhia ainakin pari viikkoa, ehkä pidempäänkin. Sitten keitän sienet ja värjään niillä tavalliseen tapaan aluna esipuretulla langalla, tällä määrällä saan ehkä 300g vaalean sinistä lankaa. Ainakin jos värjäys käyttäytyy niinkuin aiempina vuosina.
Jos olisin värjännyt suoraan nyt (vaikka amoniakkilisäyksenkin kanssa), todennäköisesti olisin saanut harmaata, joka olisi voinut hiukan vivahtaa sinertävään.
No, katsotaan, miten tässä käy myöhemmin.
Tuesday night I went looking for these mushrooms, Telephora palmata. I had found them couple of years back and I went to the same place and at first couldn't see any mushrooms. Then I smelled them! The smell is really bad and distinctive, especially with older mushrooms (the young mushrooms don't smell so bad until you are in the car with them, THEN they smell, I can tell you). And sure enough, then I saw one.. and then another.. and another. They grow in forest with old spruce, moss, and also grasses. In the same place I can find liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) growing wild and flowering in the spring. Anyway, the mushrooms are quite small and hard to find at first, half of them is buried in the moss, you can see only the upper half of the mushroom. The ones I found now were older mushrooms, in the lower picture, they are quite dark. The first picture is an older one, taken two years ago and there you can see what they look when they are young. I didn't have camera with me now in the forest.
I now found 3kg of mushrooms and if I had dyed with them straight away, they would have given me grey, maybe with a bluish shade, even with adding ammonia to the dyebath, but after previous years experience, I did the following: I crushed them in a big glass jar, poured water and a little ammonia over them, so that the pH was 9, and closed the jar tightly. I let them sit there at least for two weeks, maybe longer, before I boil them and dye normally with premordanted fiber and hopefully get 300grams of nice light blue, not as bright as with indigo, more a little greyish, but blue nevetherless. This is how I have gotten best colors out of these mushrooms before, so let's hope it works this time also. At least the liquid in the jar looks promisingly black now.
Hyvä löyhkissaalis! :D
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