Sain tällaisen tunnustuksen Pialta http://minimimmi.blogspot.com/, joka myös värjää lankoja. Kiitos! Ehdin lukea niin vähän muiden blogeja, että en osaa suoralta kädeltä antaa sitä edelleen, mutta varmasti jossain vaiheessa:)
Olen purettanut ja pessyt lankaa joka päivä, ollut torilla ja sieniä on taas kuivuri täynnä, ei tosin omia keräämiä, mutta mukavaa silti, että varastot täyttyvät. Olen selvästi pieni hamsteri.
Värjäysorakkaitakin on luvassa.
Värjäysorakkaitakin on luvassa.
Krappilankoja värjääntyy kasvihuoneessa edelleen, ensimmäisiä jälkivärejä en saanut kuvattua, mutta kohta pitää ottaa toiset satsit pois värjääntymästä, sitten lupaan kuvata kaikki. Hienoja värejä sieltä tulee. Sain yhden uuden mustan astiankin, joten nyt värjäyksiä on neljässä saavissa.
Ja tietysti sienivärjäyksiä on koko ajan mielessä.
In English
I got this award from Pia, who also dyes yarn. Thanks Pia!
Right now I have so little time to read other blogs, that I don't know who to give it to, but later I am sure I will pass it along, there are so many nice blogs and people out there.
I have washed yarn, mordanted it so I can dye more and been at the market. I have also my dryer for plants (what might be the correct word for it in English?) full of mushrooms drying for later use, I think I am like a little squirrel collecting nuts (in this case, mushrooms) for the winter. Exept that my friends collect most of them for me, but anyway I am so happy that when the mushroom season is over (at least for more than a month left of it, if we are lucky, two months) I will have enough until the next fall.
I have still madder yarns in the green house, now 4 big pots full of yarn (I got a new big black pot last week), all becoming beautifully red, some afterbaths also more orange. I will post pictures of them later when I get them all washed and dry, maybe next week. And of course mushroom colors:)
I am obsessed somehow with madder dyeing, even though I have not tried it. I've read that you can get dark red colors by doing a month long mordanting and keeping the dye pot temperatures cool. I'd love to see how yours turn out.
ReplyDeleteHi Teri,
ReplyDeleteI like madder also, it's history is fascinating and the colors so good.
I didn't have time for mordanting for a month, only for for a week or a little more, so maybe the colors could become darker than what I have. My madder yarns are still in the pot, you have to wait a little longer, now I have been experimenting with mushrooms and when I have all of the mushroom yarns dry and photographed, I will post recipes for them first. Now is the best mushroom season here in Finland so that's why they are now in my mind most.
Dried for plants: 2 choices--dehydrator, or dessicator
ReplyDeleteThank you, now I know the right word, dehydrator. It is again full of mushrooms and it takes only about 24 hours to dry 5 kilos of mushroom slices. Very useful for me.