
Puunkuorivärjäysten takkuillessa värjäsin viime syksyisillä tuoksuorakkailla. Tuoksuorakkaan tuntee helpoiten, niinkuin nimestä voi arvata, tuoksusta. Se on voimakas maarianheinämäinen tai aniksen tapainen tuoksu, jonka tuntee jo jonkin metrin päähän sienistä. Sieniä voi löytää rehevistä kuusikoista, usein neulasmatolta. Nuoret sienet ovat melkein valkoisia, piikit harmaita, tyvestä violetihtavia.
In English
I am having trouble with my bark dyeings, so last week I decided to dye with mushrooms, for a change. I had tooth fungi, Hydnellum suaveolens from last fall soaking in ammonia in a glass jar, also some were in a bucket in the porch rotting (no smell though).
Hydnellum suaveolens is easy to recognize from the sweet anise-like smell, which you can smell even several meter away from the mushrooms. These mushrooms grow in moist spruce forests, where there is usually very little else growing in the ground. Young mushrooms are almost white and spines whitish grey.

In English
Here are little older mushrooms which become more brown and there is usually white rim to a brown cap, and spines are bluish. Many mushrooms look the same whether they are young or old, but tooth fungi look very different depending on their age. These mushrooms are quite large, often the size of my palm or bigger and their flesh is thinner than most other tooth fungi, which are rather plump. Besides the smell, the best identification is again the flesh of the mushroom. There are only bluish zones (the top right mushroom in the picture below), not any brown or orange, like in Hydnellum caeruleum (the bottom mushroom). The whole orange mushroom in the left is Hydnellum aurantiacum.

Siivilöinnin jälkeen laitoin liemeen 100g valkoista alunapuretettua lankaa (sieniä oli siis 1.6kg), mikä oli liikaa, lopputulos oli näyte no2. Luulin muistavani, miten olin aiemmin tehnyt, mutta nyt kun katselin vanhoja muistiinpanoja, niin näytteet 3-6 aiemmilta vuosilta on värjätty suhteilla 2,5kg sieniä/100g lankaa. Ei ihme, että väri jäi vaaleaksi. No.3 on vuodelta 2005 ja se oli puretettu raudalla. Olin silloin pari vuotta sitten testannut näitä aurinkoisella ikkunalla, eikä haalistumista tai värin muuttumista tapahtunut kuukauden aikaana, eli siinä mielessä hyvä värisieni, ainoa vika on että sato on hyvä vain joinakin vuosina, jolloin niitä voi löytää kymmeniä kiloja, useimmiten vain muutaman kilon.
Näyte no1 tuli ämpärissä mädänneistä sienistä, joita keitin myös kaksi tuntia, lisäten lorauksen tuhkalipeää keiton alussa (pH8-9). Sieniä oli vieläkin vähemmän, kilo/100g lankaa, siksi varmaankin vaalea väri, mutta mukava tietää, että sieniä ei ole pakko liottaa ammoniakissa, vaan pelkkä mädättäminen riittää. Toisaalta nuo värit 3-5 olin saanut kolmen viikon ammoniakkiliotuksella, vastakohtana tuoreeltaan värjättynä saadulle no7:lle. Eli jos ei jaksa odottaa kuukausikaupalla sienten mätänemistä, vaan haluaa värjätä syksyllä, silloin ammoniakkiliotus on välttämätöntä, ainakin tähän astisen kokemukseni mukaan. Kuivatuilla sienillä en ole koskaan kokeillut värjätä. No8 oli kakkosen jälkiväri eli sinertävät sävyt tarttuivat paremmin ensimmäisessä värjäyksessä. Eli näillä sienillä sienten ikä vaikuttaa oleellisesti saatavaan säyyn, samoin sieniä kannattaa olla melko paljon. Tuoreilla sienillä värjätessä väri jää tavanomaiseksi ruskeanvihreäksi, mutta ajatelkaa, enää puoli vuotta, niin taas tulee uusia sieniä:)
In English
I had 1,6kg of mushrooms soaking in ammonia in a glassjar for 5 months, the pH was about 10 at the beginning but had dropped to neutral,7, by now. I poured the mushroom mush to a kettle and boiled them for little over 2 hours. These smells really awful now and the boiling must be done outside! Also, this is important, stand by when they start to boil, because there will be a lot of bluish black foam (I don't know why) which will boil over very easily! After you have stirred it for a while, so that the foam has gone down, then you can leave it to simmer by itself.
After two hours I strained the bath and put 100grams of alum mordanted white yarn to it and simmered it for one hour. I thought I remembered what I had done previously (hah), but when I read my notebook afterwards I found out why the color turned out pretty pale this time. I now used 1.6kg of fresh mushrooms to 100grams, sample no2, when earlier I had used 2.5kg of mushrooms to the same amount of fiber and gotten samples 3-6. Those were dyed in 2005 and no3 was mordanted with iron all the other ones with alum.
I had tested those samples for lightfastness in a sunny window for one month then, and noticed no visible change in the colors. So, this is a good dye mushroom to get bluish greens, the only trouble is that it is abundant only in some years, those years it is easy to get tens of kilos of it, but most years I find only couple of kilos, like last fall.
I got sample no1 from mushrooms that had rotted in a bucket in our porch from last October, boiled the mushrooms for 2 hours and added some wood ash lye (didn't have any ammonia) to the bath so that the pH was 8-9 while boiling. The wood ash lye seemed to work, even though all the instructions tell to add ammonia. (I wonder if ammonia has some other function besides raising the pH?) Even if the color was pale it was the right hue, so it is nice to know that rotting the mushrooms seems to work also, and there is no need to soak in ammonia, if you are prepared to wait for several months to have them rotted enough. You have to add something to raise the pH when boiling the mushrooms nevetherless. And if you want to dye soon after finding the mushrooms, then I think soaking in ammonia is necessary for 2-3 weeks in order to get colors like 3-5. They were done like that. If you dye right away with fresh mushroom you will get either pale beige or green or a color like no7, which was dyed with fresh mushrooms in early fall. Somehow the bluish pigments need fermenting and ammonia in boiling to come out and attach to the yarn and you need a lot of musrooms. No8 is an afterbath of no2 and even though it is darker color than no1, there are no bluish pigments left.
I haven't tried dried mushrooms so I don't know if they work, but think: only six months left before there are new fresh mushrooms:-)
Niin hieno blogilöytö tämä etten sanotuksi saa! Sienihulluus salpaa kielen... Hyvät kuvat!
ReplyDeleteThose colours are really beautiful, especially the ones to the left with the blue cast. I didn't know that you could get such wonderful colours from mushrooms.
ReplyDeleteAre you selling any of them ?
Hope you got my e-mail thanking you for the super fast package.
Mukava kuvaus taas sienivärjäilystä. Jos tänä vuonna tulee sieniä paremmin kuin viimevuonna, niin täältä saa paljon ideoita.
ReplyDeleteHi Emma,
ReplyDeleteyes, thank you!!
I save a small sample of all the mushroom dyeings (or almost all) and since I had only 100grams of each color to start with, I have now about 60-70 grams of both of no1 and 2 left, that I can sell. All the other colors are samples left from previous years dyeings. For each dye lot a have a piece of yarn in my sample book, but from mushroom dyes I save more, to have enough if I someday test them or whatever and it is nicer to have a little more of them to show and compare for the future:-)
Kiitos kommenteista, tämä on mullekin sellainen, mistä ehkä jatkossa löydän helpommin yhteenvedon, mitä oikein olen tehnyt kuin vihkostani:)
I loe the colours which I see as soft turquoises and greeny blues. Beautiful subtle colours. I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with your bark dyeing. So am I and with madder too. I have just been fermenting alderbark and I am not sure that it will give any red. The pH seems to be very important. Whne I started off fermenting indigo vats last year I had a very frustrating time till I got it right. Fermentation seems to be very difficult!
ReplyDeleteHi Leena,
ReplyDeleteyet another completly new shade. if I didn't have enough yarn to last me until Christmas I would seriously covert that! A marvelous shade, my only argument with you would be to call those fungi anisseed scented, I think they stink mildly. But then who cares if the dye that beautifully :-)