Monday, February 4, 2013

Wanted Rubia peregrina seeds

Etsin krapinsukuisen kasvin, Rubia peregrinan siemeniä. jos joku tietää mistä niitä voisi saada, niin saa vinkata.
Kiitokset ranskalaiselle blogini lukijalle, nyt minulla on siemeniä:)

Suomesta värikasvien siemeniä saa Hyötykasviyhdistykseltä, mutta myös Ruissalon kasvitieteellisestä puutarhasta kannattaa kysyä siemenluetteloa. Siellä on mm krapin (Rubia tinctorum), värimaratin (Asperula tinctoria) ja liuskaläätteen (Serratula tinctoria) siemeniä, mitä en ole nähnyt missään muualla Suomessa myynnissä. Viime vuonna tilasinkin noita sieltä ja kaikki siemenet itivät hyvin. Liuskalääte on suositeltava monivuotinen värikasvi keltaiseen, sen väriaineet ovat samanlaisia kuin väriresedalla ja valonkestäviä. Ruissalon siemenillä on 10€ minimitilaus. Hyötykasviyhdistykseltä taas saa väriresedaa (Reseda luteola), joka on oikein hyvä keltaisen värin lähde. Morsinkoa (Isatis tinctoria) löytyy molemmista paikoista, samoin kuin pensasvärihernettä (Genista tinctoria).
Suomen Niittysiemen myy luonnonvaraisten kasvien siemeniä ja sieltä löytyy mm ahomatara (Galium boreale) jonka juuri on hyvä värikasvi punaiseen. Viljeltynä hiekkaisessa kohopenkissä se kasvaa isommaksi ja on helpompi kerätä kuin luonnosta. Lisäksi sitä voi viljellä pohjoisempana kuin krappia.
Samasta paikasta löytyy myös ahdekaunokin siemeniä, sekin oikein hyvä kestävän keltaisen lähde.

I'm looking for seeds of Rubia peregrina (wild madder). If anyone knows where I could buy them, please leave a comment. It seems they are very difficult to find, even though it should be a common plant in middle Europe.
Thank you for the seeds, now I have them:)

I listed a couple of places which sell dye plant seeds in Finland, Hyötykasviyhdistys, and Turku University Botanical Garden, but they both sell only to Finland.


  1. It is really difficult to find such plant:
    I only find this kind of Rubia tinctoria seeds:

    But your plants are not found.
    Here you can ask for such seeds. They are organisate a lot of seed around of europe etc. ( there are a lot of other languages ).
    Greatings Tinki

  2. Hère in France, there is an association for natural dyers.

    They sell dyestuffs. If you are still interested, I can contact them for you and ask.

  3. Thank you Tinki, I will ask them if I can't find it anywhere else.

    Louise, if you could ask them, I would like it very much, please. I don't speak french:(
    I believe R.peregrina grows wild in France, and I know it is not as good dye plant as R.tinctoria, but I would like to try to grow it and compare it with bedstraws:)

  4. Hello Leena,
    I checked with Couleur Garance, but they only have R. Tinctoria. However I have a friend who is a natural dyer. She also has r. Tinctoria in her garden, but knows where some r. Peregrina grows wild. She should be able to find you some, but only roots. But not before June. Let me know if you are still interested.

  5. Hi Louise, yes please:). Or if your friend could collect seeds for me in the autumn?

  6. Hei Leena, et varmaan välitä tällaisista, mutta blogissani on sinulle tunnustus :)

  7. Those links are so useful, I've been looking for a good place to buy "not normal" seeds in Finland! I don't make dyes, but love having a flavour-and-scent garden. Thanks for the tip :)

  8. Thank you Kirsty, I'm glad I could help. I think both places sell good seeds and they are also reasonably priced:)

  9. Hi Leena,

    A friend of mine who studdied ecology and knows botanics, has promised to bring me perigrina from the south of France after Easter. Either I will have seeds or my friend will be able to pick them later in the year. I guess if you get them from Louise too then you double your chances ;-)

    Francine in Alsace, France, a member of the UK Online Guild of weavers, dyers and spinners

  10. Hi Francine, thank you for the kind thoughts. I have forgotten to write that I now have seeds waiting to be sown and a promise to get some plants later in the summer. So I don't need them any more. It seems Rubia peregrina was really hard to find commercially, but I'm so grateful to generous readers who found picked them for me. Thank you!
