Samettijalkoja löytyi muutamasta paikasta, nämä olivat nuoria uusia sieniä, myös vanhoja isoja löytyi, mutta ne olivat jo niin lötköjä, että niitä ei voinut käyttää värjäykseen. Alla olevissa kuvissa näkyy niitä tyypillisillä paikoilla, samettinen jalka ei yleensä näy, ennenkuin sienen ottaa käteen. Pulkkosienet ovat usein hiukan samannäköisiä, mutta niillä on ohut lakinvärinen ontto jalka, ei samettisen tumman ruskean nukan peitossa oleva paksu jalka.
In English
Yesterday there was autumn feeling in the air, but still sun was shining and it was warm considering it is already almost end of September. I just had to go to the forest with my husband, to feel the quiet and peace, and of course to find dye mushrooms. This forest is only a couple of kilometres from our house. There were robins, so cute, they were curious to see what we were doing there, and when I was sitting still in a fallen log, northern goshawk came and sat for a moment in a spruce nearby. They are not very common to see. Perhaps it was hunting hazelhens, we saw two near the little swamp in the edge of the forest. Even little bugs couldn't spoil the feeling I get in the forest.
Then of course we found mushrooms, the two pictures below are Paxillus atrotomentosus in their typical habitat. These were new small mushrooms, we also found big and already too old mushrooms for dyeing. When they start to rot, they are no good for me. You cannot see the dark brown velvety leg of the mushrooms, until you take them to your hand. There is another quite similar and more common mushroom, Paxillus involutus, but the leg is very different and that mushrooms yields only beige colors to wool, not worth picking most of the time. I pick them only when I don't find anything else.

In English
I found also some tooth fungi, I'm always keen on finding them, because they can give me bluish colors. So now I got Hydnellum auranticum mushrooms, and one Phellodon niger, in the picture below. I almost stepped on it before I noticed it, the tooth fungi hides themselves often in the moss, so you can see only the top of the cap, that is, if your eyes are sharp enough. I am sure there were lots more, which I just didn't find. This mushroom grew near the Paxillus atrotomentosus in the lower picture. You can identify Phellodon niger best from its coal black flesh, no other tooth fungi has the same colored flesh. I like this mushroom very much, because it has given me in the past best blue colors. Well, I cannot dye much with only one mushroom, but hopefully I find more later.

In EnglishAnd naturally I found Cortinarius semisanguineus, their best season is just starting.

Ihanassa metsässä olet ollut, kuvat ovat niin kutsuvia! Syksyisin tulee aina tunne, että metsään pitäisi päästä joka ikinen päivä, varsinkin kun katselee kuvia noin ihanasta metsästä! Lounaissuomalainen metsä on jo toisennäköinen kuin nämä pirkanmaalaiset pöheiköt!
ReplyDeleteEivät nämä ole ollenkaan tyypillisiä metsiä, enemmän täällä on hakkuita ja risukkoisia harvennuksia, mutta onneksi aina jostain löytyy vielä tällaistakin metsää, siellä mieli lepää ja sienet kasvavat. Siksi halusinkin laittaa tänne kuvia mielimetsästäni:-)
ReplyDeleteEilen oltiin vähän kauempana (10km), mutta myös samanlaisessa kallioisessa sammalikkometsässä ja kyllä siitä tuli hyvä olo, hyvän saaliin lisäksi. Meille orakkaita ja sienikaverini saivat isot kopalliset suppilovahveroita ja kanttarelleja.