Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dye garden notes Värikasvimuistiinpanoja

Ihanaa aikaa, joka päivä nousee jotain kivaa maasta.

Itäneitä värikasveja tänään:
krappi (Rubia tinctoria), kylvetty 28.3 - itää 11.4
väritatar (Persicaria tinctoria), kylvetty 5.4 - itää 11.4

Kylvettyjä värikasveja tänään:
Coreopsis tinctoria 'Amulet'
Cosmos suphureus

I love this time of year, something new pops up from the ground each day, like my Hellebores:)

Dyeplants that have sprouted today:
Madder, sowing March 28th - sprouts April 11th
Japanese indigo, sowing April 5th - sprouts April 11th

Dyeplants that I have sowed today:
Coreopsis tinctoria 'Amulet
Cosmos sulphureus


  1. I've always admired hellebores (and snowdrops) for their vital force to come through even frozen snow - and they are just tender flowers!

  2. Can't wait to see what colours they yeild :)

  3. Thank you for the comments:)
    Now the snow has melted around that hellebore, some snow is still left, but most of the garden is now without snow.. I'm so happy:)

  4. Hi Leena -it is exciting seeing the plants starting to grow. We have cleared more space for more plants and so when all danger of frost is over we will start planting out I am looking forward to reading about all your dyeing experiments! at the moment have ivy berries sitting in a pot soaking. They have been there for a week and the water is dark purple.
