In English
Here are some flowers in my garden today. Now is the best time for snowdrops here, above double flowered snowdrop and below the same snowdrops which I had photographed couple weeks earlier coming through ice.
In English
I have snowdrops in many places, because I like them so much, the ones below are in the egde of woods near our house.
Kevätkellot ovat myös suosikkeja, ne eivät leviä ollenkaan niin nopeasti kuin lumikellot, mutta ovat ihania:)
In English
I love spring snowflakes (Leucojum vernum), but they are much slower to spread here than snowdrops. Aren't they lovely:)
In English
In the woods also red flowered Hepatica nobilis is flowereing, it is a native flower here.
In English
Another native, although this one I have grown from seed and planted, Daphne mezereum, is already flowering.
Vihreää ei paljoa ole vielä muuta kuin kukkapenkissä. Lumikellojen lisäksi kukkivat kasvitieteelliset krookukset (Crocus chrysanthus) ja persiansinililjat (Scilla mitschenkoana), jotka ovat aikaisimpia sinililjoista. Niiden kukinta-aika on pitkä ja ne ovat suosikkeja:)
In English
Nothing much is yet green except in the flowerbeds, below snowdrops, Crocus chrysanthus and milk squill, Scilla mischtchenkoana, which is the earliest Scilla and flowers very long. They are one of my favourites:)
Crocus chrysanthus
Alla yksi siemenestä kasvattamistani jouluruusuista, nyt kolme-vuotias vaaleajouluruusu (Helleborus niger), joka kukkii ensimmäistä kertaa tänä keväänä.
In English
Below is one of the Hellebores I have grown from seed. This is Helleborus niger, it is three years old and has now it's first flower coming.
In English
Peonies are coming up.
Ja viimeiseksi talvehtinutta morsinkoa. Joku, rusakko tai luultavammin myyrä, on järsinyt alimpia lehtiä.
In English
And finally woad. Hares, or more propably moles, have eaten leaves during the winter.
I love spring flowers too - they are mostly dainty and modest - not as flashy and big as the summer blooms! and I have had the first flower on my seed-grown helleborus too! though everything else is nearly gone now, the last daffodils are in flower and the tulip buds are showing over here! my delphiniums are already 60 cm high:)) have a lovely spring! (did you notice that most spring flowers aren't used for dyeing?)