In English
This year is a good mushroom year here, lots of Velvet pax, Tapinella atrotomentosa and different Vebcaps, Cortinarius sanguinea (small all red), Cortinarius semi-sanguineus and Cortinarius cinnamomea (orange-gilled vebcaps). I am lucky to have friends who pick mushrooms for me as I don't have time to go mushroom hunting enough:)

Muuten, Värikeskus Iitissä myy kuivattuja värisieniä, hernekuukustakin.
In English
I usually separate caps from stems of Cortianarius semi-sanguineus, but sometimes I dry them also whole. Dyeing with only stems give nice warm orangey yellow and dyeing with only caps give nice red. If the stems and caps are together, the color is more rusty red. Near where we live, there isn't very much Cortinarius sanguineus, which gives red by itself, so I get most of my reds from C.semi-sanguineus caps.
By the way, Värikeskus in Finland sells dried dye mushrooms, also Pisolithus arhizus (100g/10€)

Myös Mushrooms for color- sivuilla on viime tammikuun Funghi and Fibre symposiumin värinäytteitä. Ihanaa meille kaikille, jotka emme voineet osallistua sinne:)
In English
Most mushroom dye books don't give ratios which to use with different mushroom and I have had to learn most of it by experimenting, so that is why I was so excited to see in Theresas blog posting about her dye samples WITH the ratios and which mordant was used. This is very valuable information and I am so happy she has shared it! Thank you Theresa! You can find it in her blog in August 29 posting, scroll down the page. She has other interesting mushroom dyeing in there, too:)
Also Mushrooms for color-pages there are dyesample pictures from Funghi and Fibre symposium last January. So nice for those of us that couldn't make it to the Symposium:)
There is a Norwegian mushroom dye book, with recipes and ratios for lots of mushrooms.
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me the name of the Norwegian book? I have one Norwegian booklet published by Tromsö museum about mushroom dyes and it has been the first where I had found ratios what to use and it is very good. Of course I cannot read norwegian, but knowing some Swedish, I can manage somehow. At least with recipes:)
ReplyDeleteI have heard rumors about new Swedish mushroom dye book, does anyone know when it is going to be available?
"sopp til farger og papir" (translates to "mushrooms for dye and paper"), by Brynhild Mørkved and Anna-Elise Torkelsen. ISBN 82-991311-5-4.
ReplyDeleteI think it's partly an improved version of the Ottar pamphlet from Tromsø.
That's an amazing collection, almost makes me want to move there, a little cold for me. maybe I will just buy some saguinea...lol
ReplyDeleteI love seeing all this. I'm fascinated by it, yet I don't have time to delve into it myself. Thanks so much for sharing your info!!!
ReplyDeleteYay!! How do you find friends who will bring your mushrooms? I need more of those. Thank you so much for linking to me - I'm incredibly flattered!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Helene, for the name of the book. I like the one I have very much:)