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Last few weeks have been busy, and here are some pictures why. September 2nd we had DipDay in my friend Marjatta's farm. We dyed in threee kettles and one kettle was for mordanting. There were 6 of us for the whole day, just a good number, and in the morning a group of 12 textile students came also to see the mushroom dyeing for a little while. We dyed yarn separately with the caps and stems of Cortinarius semisanguineus, also with Tapinella atrotomentosa, and some wool with cochineal. Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera out, and only took pictures in the end and of the yarns which were left for me. All in all it was a very nice day, thank you Marjatta, Leena, Jaana, Leena and Raini.
Olin ottanut mukaan näytteitä aiemmin sienillä värjäämistäni langoista. Pikkuvakassa olevat siniset ovat indigovärjättyjä, mutta pöydällä olevat ovat kaikki sienivärjättyjä.
I had with me small samples of mushroom dyed yarns. The blues in the basket were dyed with indigo, but all the yarns in the table are dyed with mushrooms and polypores.
Toisella Leenalla oli mukana myös nuori paimenkoira.
Another Leena had a young sheepdog with her.
Ja muutamia Marjatan suomenlampaita katseli laitumelta aidan takaa.
And couple of Marjatta's Finnsheep were watching behind the fence.
DipDayn jälkeen värjäsin ja valmistelin tarvikepaketteja Silmä, Pisto, Tikki, Takki - pienyrittäjien käsityömarkkinoita varten, jotka olivat viime viikonloppuna Helsingissä. Hyvä, että olin ollut ahkera, koska markkinat menivät tosi mukavasti, kävijöitä ja ostajia oli paljon, lapaspakettini riittivät juuri ja juuri, ja osa värjätyistä langoista tietysti loppuikin:) Ja mikä oli kaikkein mukavinta, miten moni kävijä kertoi lukevansa blogiani! En olisi sitä uskonut. Värjäyksistä oli myös aina yhtä mielenkiintoista keskustella, ja kunhan toivun tästä viikonlopun rutistuksesta, niin varsinkin käymisvärjäysasioita pitää alkaa miettiä lisää, erityiskiitokset Susannalle. Isot kiitokset sekä kanssamyyjille, että varsinkin kävijöille, jotka teitte viikonlopusta niin onnistuneen!
Loppuviikosta tulee myös sitten kauppaan lisää lankoja ja jatkossa aina perjantaisin.
After the DipDay, I dyed and made kits for the small craft market which took place in Helsinki last week-end. All the hard work paid off, and the event was really successful, there were lots of people looking and buying, and I had just about enough kits with me, but some of the dyed yarns were sold out already in Saturday. And what was the best thing was that so many of the people told me that they read my blog, a lot more people than I thought:) It was also always nice to discuss dyeing with other dyers, and I had especially nice discussion with a dyer who experiments with fermentation dyeing, and she gave me a lot to think about, thanks Susanna.
Really big thanks to the fellow sellers and especially to all the visitors who made the event successful!
In the end of the week there will be new yarns also in the online-shop and in the future I will try to add new yarns always on Fridays.
Oli kiva nähdä, ja mukava oli koko tapahtumakin. Sinun lapaspakettisi ovat ihan omaa luokkaansa - niin kauniit mallit ja värit. Olen silitellyt ihanaa vihreää vyyhtiä ja miettinyt, millaisia kuvioita ja mihin neuleeseen siitä tuleekaan.
ReplyDeletelovely colours, I wish I could find more mushrooms over here! I had to laugh about the sheep "behind the fence" - more like "in the fence"?:)) and the sheepdog looks like our old one, Timmy - DS is going to love the photo of that puppy!
ReplyDeletegreat that the market was such a success - I think it gives new enthusiasm when other people appreciate one's work like that!
Hei Saila, oli tosi kiva tavata:)
ReplyDeleteHi Bettina, thanks. Yes, the sheep thought they liked to be more with people than in their own pasture, especially the brown ewe:)
Oli kyllä oiva tapa aloittaa värjäysharrastus näkemällä, kun joku kokenut tekee työvaiheet ensin. Ei ole sitten niin paniikissa niiden kaikkien puretusaineiden ja lämpötilojen kanssa :) Dip day on hyvä juttu!
ReplyDeleteWow! Beautiful colours! Love them!:)
ReplyDeleteThank Pat:)
ReplyDeleteJaana, todella mukava, että olit mukana ja että siitä oli hyötyä sulle! Katsoin jo blogistasikin, että olet itsekin jo värjännyt vaikka mitä ja onneksi sieniä löytyy:)
I like your blog and your colours!
I bought my first book in Finnish yesterday. I don't know the language, but I thought I could use Google translate to help me.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I bought it is that I am very interested in mushroom dyeing and even if we don't have as many types as you do in Finland I am hoping that I can find some species that produce some other colours than brown here in Iceland.
I really appreciate when you use the latin names because that gives me a chance to figure out if I can find that particular mushroom, or perhaps it's close relative. Lovely colours and amazing to get such a range.
It looks like you had a great day, with lovely results. Not many mushrooms to try dyeing with around here unfortunately. I love your sheepish audience, very handsome creatures!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sabine, Ambra and Nina:)
ReplyDeleteAmbra, you might find Swedish mushroom dyebooks easier to read, and actually I think they are the best:) My Swedish is very poor, but the latin names help, that's why I use them, too, and you are right that it is difficult to know by the common name, there are so many of them of the same plant/mushroom, but only one latin name (at least mostly).
hi Leena :) beautiful colors! and happy to head dip dye day went well.