Monday, June 20, 2011

My japanese indigo Väritatarkuvia

Tässä vähän tämän vuotisia väritattariani (Persicaria tinctoria, vanha nimi Polygonum tinctorum, japanese indigo). Nämä yläkuvassa olevat on kylvetty maalikuun alussa, vaikka suurimman osan kyllä kylvin vasta huhtikuun alussa.  Ajattelin suurimman osan taimista olevan tuota terävälehtistä muotoa, mutta nyt kävikin niin, että suurin osa on pyöreälehtistä, jolla en olekaan ennen värjännyt. En ole kunnolla saanut selvää miten isoja erot eri muotojen sisältämillä indigotiinipitoisuuksilla ovat, jostain olen lukenut, että teräväkärkinen olisi indigotiinipitoisempi, mutta en tiedä miten iso ero on. Nyt sen sitten loppukesällä näen. Pyöreälehtisellä muodolla on pinkit kukat ja terävälehtisellä valkoiset.

Here are some photos of my japanese indigoes this year. The ones in the photos above were sown in the beginning of March, but most of the seeds I had sown in the beginning of April, because I couldn't plant them outside until June.  I had earlier only the sharp leaved variety, but now most of my plants seem to be the round leaved variety, which I haven't dyed with before.  I haven't really found out any research about the difference in the indigotin content of each variety (or even what they are called, do they have a name?), but I have read somewhere that the sharp leaved would have higher indigotin content. How much higer, I don't know.. The round leaved variety should have pink flowers while the other one has white flowers.

Istutin joitakin taimia kasvihuoneeseen jo kesäkuun alussa, ja myös isoihin purkkeihin, ja loput pääsivät ulos vasta viime viikolla. Ne olisivat kyllä olleet valmiita istutettaviksi jo aiemmin, mutta en ollut ehtinyt tehdä sitä. Nyt taimet on katettu ja sitten vaan odotellaan lämpimiä säitä, että ne kasvaisivat hyvin.

I planted some of them in the greenhouse in the beginning of June, and also in big pots, and the rest of the plants got planted outside only last week. They would have been ready earlier, but I didn't have the time to plant them. Now I have also covered the beds with straw, to keep moisture in and weeds out, and am hoping for warm weather:)


  1. I didn't even know that it has two varieties - have to check mine now:))I have too many and will try to plant some outside, even though I guess in this weather they won't grow all that well....

  2. In litterature there is no mention of the varieties, except in Spindigo project report in Italy there was a mention that there was not a significant difference in indigotin content between varieties(but I only remember reading this, and couldn't find the reference when I wrote the blog post).

  3. My variety of japanes indigo is the pointy leaved. They are in the garden but are still small. Here in SE Ohio the rain has fallen in record numbers and it is unseasonably cool, hard to get in the garden. My woad is doing good but my weld didn't germinate. I will try in the fall. My dyers coreopsis is 4-5 ft. tall and blooming.

  4. i have some of the pointy leaf growing. good to watch you. thanks.

  5. Thanks Tari and Jude:)
    I think the pointy leaved type is more common, at least in Europe, and I ahve had good results with it in previous years. I believe the round leave type is as good also, but it will be interesting to compare.
