Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cold but beautiful Kylmää mutta kaunista

Kyllä on taas pitkä ja kylmä talvi, eikä mitään uutta raportoitavaa värjäysrintamalla.
Kuvat viime viikolta, nyt joki on taas jäätynyt uudestaan umpeen, ja lunta satanut lisää.
Rannalla näkyi jäniksen, ketun ja saukon jälkiä.
Vielä vähän aikaa, niin pääsee kylvämään jotain.

It is cold and long winter here again, and nothing new to report about dyeings. 
This is how it looked outside last week, the river has now frozen completely again and we got some more snow. 
There were tracks of fox, hare and otter by the lake.
Still couple of  weeks before I can sow anything inside.


  1. Olipa pitkä hiihtoretki, kun siinä jo aurinkokin meni mailleen! Sisukas tyttö!

  2. Voi että miten kaunista! Samaa olen minäkin päivitellyt viime päivät: miten osaakin olla näin kaunis talvi!

  3. Thanks Mary Lena, this is a wanderful place to live, but I wish the winter was a little shorter.

    Kiitos, itse asiassa ranta on talosta parinsadan metrin päässä ja kuvat on kahdelta eri kertaa:)
    Mies jopa näki saukon pari viikkoa sitten sulassa, silloin kun oli lämpimämpää, mutta nyt ei ole kuin jälkiä, kun sula jäätyi umpeen.
    Kevättä, kylvöjä ja puutarhaa odottelen malttamattomana.

  4. Hi Leena it looks so beautiful but I can imagine how fed up you are with your long winter. Dream of dye experiments!

  5. Such quiet beauty...but I understand...we are still surrounded by white here, too.

  6. Helen, I have already made a list (or lists!) about everything I want to do, when the spring comes:)In the evenings I draw maps for my garden, what to plant and where:)
    This and last winter have been unusually long and cold, but it does look beautiful.
    Joei, I had thought that in the east coast of the US you have already spring flowers and everything, like in the United Kindodom right now.

  7. daylight lengthens, YAY! the thing i HATE about spring...i have a full time job indoors (teaching) which is a good thing, except that list of mine must be simple and short!

  8. Beautiful photos. Love the colour of the sky! ;)

  9. beautiful landscapes from which to gather spring inspirations.

    may warmth visit you soon!

  10. beautiful photos. what a crisp clean light!days are definitely getting longer.

  11. Dear Leena, what a beautiful photo's, indeed a wonderful place to live. As a dutch woman I have a longing for cold winters, but I can imagine living there sometimes the winters are to long and cold.

  12. Thank you for sharing the pictures. Very pretty. (Cold here too in Michigan USA)
