Sininen väri on tärkein ja sitä varten kasvaa nyt taas vähän morsinkoa (Isatis tinctoria), kiinalaista morsinkoa (Isatis indigotica) ja eniten väritatarta (Persicaria tinctoria), yläkuvassa vasemmalla ja takana, vielä odottamassa istutusta.
Oikealla puolella olevassa laatikossa on myös värikasvin taimia, japanilainen heinä, Arthraxon hispidus, joka sisältää luteoliinia ja antaa keltaista väriä. Tämä on ensi kertaa kokeilussa, sain sen siemeniä ja pitihän niitä kylvää. En tiennyt miten se itää ja kasvaa, joten kylvin siemenet sisälle jo 28.3, ne itivät hyvin ja olisivat olleet valmiita ulosistutettaviksi jo aiemmin, mutta pelkäsin halloja.
Kuvassa näkyy lisäksi vilaus purjoja ja timjamia:)
In May I am always busy with plants and garden, but now the fear for frosts is over and this week I have planted everything outside. Well, last night I dreamed that it had snowed during the night and all my japanese indigoes had died, and zucchinis, too. What a nightmare, good thing it was just a dream!
Blue is the most important color to grow dyeplants for, and I have now woad, chinese woad and most of all japanese indigo planted in my garden. In the top picture there are japanese indigoes in the left and back still waiting to be planted outside.
In the right there are also dyeplants. It is japanese grass, Arthraxon hispidus, which contains luteolin and should give yellow. This is the first time I am growing it, and it will be interesting to see what it is like. I wasn't sure how it will grow, so I sowed the seeds early, March 28th, and plants were ready to go outside already in May, but I was afraid of the frosts.
You can also see a glimpse of my leeks and thymes in the picture:)

Alemmassa kuvassa on aiemmin keväällä istutettuja viime vuotisia värihernepensaan (Genista tinctoria). Nämä ovat kasvatettu siemenestä, mutta sain taimivaihdossa tänä keväänä myös Genista tinctoria 'Vancouver Gold' taimen, jonka pitäisi olla koristeellisempi kuin tavallinen värihernepensas. Hyvä juttu, että näitä tavallisia on enemmän, että saan niistä satoa värjäystä varten jos 'Vancouver Gold' on liian hieno siihen tarkoitukseen.
Saan keltaisen värin suurimmaksi osaksi puiden lehdistä, monivuotisista pietaryrtistä ja piiskuista, ja värihernepensaskin on monivuotinen. Yksivuotisia kasveja en siksi paljoa kasvata keltaista väriä varten, ainoastaan värireseda (Reseda luteola) olisi tärkeä, mutta tila loppui kesken sinisten kasvien viedessä suurimman osan.
In my "red bed" madder is doing fine, this is the third year for these plants, and I got some more madder plants from seeds this year, too. Don't mind the one stray strawberry among madder, I was too tenderhearted to take it out:)
In the picture below there are Dyer's greenweed plants (Genista tinctoria). They are grown from seed and are not very big yet but they will grow. I also got this spring in a plant swap Genista tinctoria 'Vancouver Gold', it is supposed to be more decorative than the species, so it it good that I have more of these to harvest, if 'Vancouver Gold' is too pretty for harvesting:)
I get most of my yellows from tree leaves, perennials like goldenrod and tansy and also Dyer's greenweed is perennial, so I don't need to grow annual dyeplants for yellow, only weld (Reseda luteola) would have been good to have, but I ran out of space with so many blue plants.

Kasvihuoneeseen laitoin viime viikolla muutaman purkin aurinkovärjäykseen lankoja, niistä lisää myöhemmin. Onneksi on ollut aurinkoista, vaikka tänään sataakin.
Now that the garden is in order (or as much as it can be), I have started to dye again.
I mordant yarn almost every day and first I have started to dye more yarn for the kits, I was almost out of some colors. More yarns are also needed for the market and for the online shop.
I have some solar dye experiments going on in the greenhouse, I'll write more about them later.
Luckily it has been sunny here lately even though today we get much needed rain (needed for the garden).

You (and your dyeing) have been so inspirational to me. I have started my first dye garden this year and am playing with natural dyes - I am enjoying the process of learning about this whole new fiber adventure and the experiments have begun...thank you!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear what's going on in those solar dyeing jars!
wish your plants a happy growing season and wish you a happy dyeing start!
ReplyDeleteThanks Pat and Dorie:)
ReplyDeleteWe got a lot of rain yesterday and last night, good for newly planted plants.