Tänä vuonna emme siis ole vanhan joulumyyjäisissä kuten aiemmin, vaan myymme ainoastaan torilla ja netin kautta. Mieheni on torilla lauantaisin ja parina arkipäivänä, tulevalla viikolla todennäköisesti keskiviikkona 9.12 ja sunnuntaina 13.12, klo 9.30-15 (ellei sääennuste muutu hyvin huonoksi). Hämärä tulee aikaisin, joten toripäiväkin päätty silloin. Minä en tule Helsinkiin varmaan ollenkaan, vaan teen kotona lisää myytävää:)
Tervetuloa torilla lankaostoksille.
In English
Today it is gloomy and warmer again, but last week we had couple of cold days, and the garden was beautiful when it was all frosty, even the sun was peaking, a rarity this time of year. These pictures were taken around 1 pm, and there wasn't very much light even then, and after 3 pm it is getting dark. Still couple of weeks of this until the darkest day of the year, and then the days begin to get longer and there will be more light again:) Christmas is getting close.
This year we didn't get a booth at the Christmas Fair like before, instead we are selling only at the market Kauppatori and from the online shop. My husband will be at the market on Saturdays and next week Wednesday Dec.9th and Sunday Dec.13th (unless the weather changes to very bad), from 9.30am to 3 pm. Darkness comes early so the market closes early, too.
I won't be in Helsinki at all this year, I'll be home making more yarns and mittens to sell:)
Welcome to the market if you are in Helsinki.
Frosty woad beds

what gorgeous and ethereal photographs. i just love the frost on all the foliage..stunning!
ReplyDeletethose lovely colors! the colors!