Väritattaren lehtiä oli 700g ja silppusin ne edelleen saksilla pieneksi. Toinen kumikäsine oli hukassa ja pelkäsin myös leikkaavani käsineen rikki lehtiä leikatessa, joten käsi jäi paljaaksi. Edelliselläkään kerralla kolme viikkoa sitten en käyttänyt käsineitä lehtiä leikatessa, eikä väriä tarttunut, mutta nytpä indigopitoisuus olikin näköjään suurempi (myös lehdet tuntuivat jotenkin öljyisiltä, mitä en ollut aiemmin huomannut), joten käteni oli jo silppuamisvaiheessa sininen, jatkoin sitten myös lehtien hieromista paljaalla kädellä.
Olin laittanut silputut lehdet kylmään veteen, johon oli lisätty etikkaa, niin että sen pH oli 3, ja nyt sitten aloin hieroa lehtiä käsieni välissä, ensin 10min , jonka jälkeen siivilöin liemen. Mittasin siivilöidyn liemen pH:n ja se oli nyt 4, eli noussut hiukan. Lisäsin silpulle uutta kylmää vettä ja etikkaa, ja hieroin toiset 10min, ja taas siivilöin. Toistin saman vielä kolmannen kerran, mutta nyt en enää jaksanut hieroa kuin 5min. Hidasta hommaa, ja lisäksi halusin saada langat sekaan ennenkuin vesi lämpenee liikaa, vaikka en tiedäkään onko lämpötilalla isoa merkitystä. Periaatteessa tein samalla tavalla kuin aiemminkin, josta laitoin kuvia heinäkuun lopun postauksessa.
Siivilöityyn liemeen laitoin 200g kuivaa lankaa, valkoisen ja vaalean harmaan vyyhdin, ja annoin olla kylmässä liemessä tunnin. Sitten tunnin hapetus ilmassa, ja langat olivat turkooseja, kuva alla, vaalean harmaa lanka on oikeanpuolimminen.
In English
Last week I dyed with the rest of my japanese indigoes (Polygonum tinctorium) that grew in the greenhouse, and besides nice blue yarn, I got also blue nails o my left hand:)
I had 700grams of fresh leaves and I cut them to small pieces with scissors. I had lost my other rubberglove, and I thought I didn't need it anyway (I would only cut holes in them when cutting the leaves), so the hand where I held the leaves was without the glove. Last time three weeks ago when I dyed with these plants previously I had no problem with blue staining my nails when cutting the leaves, but it seems there was more indigo in the leaves now. The leaves felt also kind of "oily", which I didn't notice earlier so much. As my hand was already blue after cutting the leaves, I didn't bother to try to find that missing rubberglove for kneading the leaves either.
I had put the cut leaves to cold water where I had added vinegar so that the pH was 3, and now I started to knead the leaves between my hands, first for 10 minutes, and then I strained the liquid. I noticed that the pH was now 4. I added more cold water and vinegar to the leaves and kneaded them for another 10 minutes, strained and repeated this for third time, now I kneaded only for 5 minutes. It is slow and tedious work, besides I wanted to put the yarns to the bath as long as it was very cold. I don't really know if this is important??
Basically I did this the same way as I had described in my earlier posting in July 31st.
To the strained bath I put 200grams of dry yarn, one skein of white yarn and one skein of light grey yarn. I let them sit in the bucket for one hour, then took them out and aired for another hour. They were now nice turqoise, the grey yarn is on the right.

In English
I put the yarns to the bath again for one hour, the color of the bath was now quite dark green.

In English
After the second hour in the bath the yarns were already much bluer, great!

In English
After airing the yarns for one hour, I put them in the bath for the third time, again for one hour and then airing. Now the color hadn't changed so much, maybe it is a little deeper. The brighter blue in left is also dyed with japanese indigo, but the "normal" way, so at this stage the direct dyed yarns look more grayish blue.

In English
I put another two skeins of white yarn to the bath to soak for the night, 12 hours. In the morning the bath was quite blue and the yarns turned out nice light blue.

Lopputulos on kaunis sininen, mutta mielestäni tuolla tuoreiden lehtien määrällä olisi pitänyt saada enemmän ja tummempaa sinistä. Kynnet ovat edelleen siniset:)
In English
I waited four days before I washed the yarns. I was surprised that a lot of color washed out and I had to rinse the yarns much more than the previous direct dyed yarns to get clear rinsing water.
The yarns are now much lighter color than before washing. It seems that a lot of pigment didn't stick to the yarn and was lost. I think cutting and kneading took so much time that the bath was dark green/blue sooner than the first time, when I had less leaves to process. Maybe this had something to do with the lost pigment?? Any ideas?
The result is nice blue, but with the amount of fresh leaves I should have gotten more and darker, I think. My nails are still blue:)

Sitten värjäsin perinteisellä tavalla tuoreilla lehdillä, joita oli nyt 500g. Myös nämä lehdet olivat kasvaneet kasvihuoneessa. Värjäys tapahtuu samantapaisesti kuin morsingon lehdillä värjätessä, mutta on joitakin eroja, jotka löysin netin värjäyskeskustelupalstoilta. Kiitos kaikille, jotka ovat kertoneet kokemuksistaan:) Mitä ihmettä tekisin ilman internetiä!
Laitoin tuoreet lehdet lasipurkkiin kokonaisina ja niiden päälle hanasta 45 asteista vettä. Laitoin purkin vesihauteeseen, ohjeen mukaan lämpötilaa piti nostaa hitaasti kahden tunnin aikana enintään 70C. Ensimmäisen tunnin jälkeen vesihauteen lämpötila oli 60C ja toisen tunnin jälkeen 65C. Puolessa välissä haudutusta huomasin, että vesi purkissa oli vajunut, ja niin lisäsin vettä purkin täyteen. Näin jälkeenpäin ajatellen, en tiedä oliko oikein vai ei?
Then I dyed the traditonal way with fresh leaves, also from the greenhouse, and now I had 500grams of leaves. The dyeing is similar to the dyeing with fresh woad but there are important differences, which I luckily found in the archives of natural dyes discussion group and I also got good advice from fellow dyers. Whatever would I do without the internet! Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences and knowledge:)
I put the whole fresh leaves to a glassjar and poured tapwater over them, the temperature was about 45C. I then put the jar to a big kettle filled with water like a double boiler. According to the recipe the temperature should raise slowly during two hours to 70C, not higher.
After the first hour the temperature of the water in my double boiler was 60C and after the second hour it was 65C. After the first hour I noticed that the water level in the jar had dropped, and so I added some more to fill the jar. Now when I think about it, I don't know it that was right or wrong??

In English
After two hours the liquid in the jar was still quite clear, in the top of the jar it was bluish. I was a little worried because according to the recipe the color should have turned to sherry coloured and the leaves more olive and I didn't notice very much change in my jar. What do you think?

In English
After two hours I strained the liquid to a kettle and as soon as it went through the sieve and hit the bottom of the kettle, it turned blue with blue froth! What a relief:) I added 50grams (about 5 tablespoons) of washing soda to the liquid and it turned to almost black. Even though there was already blue froth, I took the food mixer (I don't know what it is called in English) and used it for 5 minutes. Right from the beginning there was a lot of dark blue froth and even though the recipe said to mix for 10 minutes, I only did it for 5 minutes, as there seemed to be no change after couple of first minutes. Should I have continued it longer??

Liemen pinnassa oli sininen öljymäinen kalvo, mutta kun laitoin seisotuksen jälkeen liemeen 200g valkoista kosteaa lankaa, näkyi hyvin, miten liemi oli pelkistynyt läpikuultavan kellertäväksi.
In English
After mixing I added more water to the kettle (total was now about 8 litres), the temperature was 45C. I now added 20grams (two tablespoons) of sodium hydrosulfite and let it be for 30 minutes. The temperature was now 50C.
On top of the liquid there was a dark blue oil-like sheen, but when I added 200grams of white yarn to the bath you can see in the picture how it was now pale yellow.

Samassa liemessä tuntui olevan vielä väriä jäljellä, joten laitoin sinne yhden valkoisen vyydin ja toisen pietaryrtillä keltaiseksi värjätyn vyyhdin, annoin värjääntyä 20min ja hapetin.
Väriä riitti kolmanteenkin värjäykseen, 100g valkoista lankaa.
Narulla nämä ovat oikealta vasemmalle.
In English
I left the yarns in the bath for 15 minutes, then oxidized them for 30 minutes. I dipped these yarns twice more to the bath, 10 minutes each time and oxidized 20 minutes in between. They became beautiful bright blue.
There seemed to be color left in the bath, so I put 100grams of white yarn and 100grams of yeallow yarn dyed with tansy, to the bath for 20 minutes an came up with nice green and light blue.
There was still color left for yet another 100grams of white yarn, and that came out very light blue.
All these yarns are in the picture from right to left.

Pesin langat seuraavana päivänä ja niistä irtosi hyvin vähän väriä, jo toinen huuhteluvesi oli kirkasta.
In English
After the last dyeing the bath looked now muddy yellow, and it didn't seem to give any more blue. From 500grams of fresh leaves I got 500grams of blue yarn:)
I washed these yarns the next day and very little pigment left in the washing, already the second rinsing water was clear.

In English
I put the strained leaves back to the glassjar and poured warm water over them (50C) and let sit overnight. I though to try if there were any more pigments left in the leaves. In the morning the temperature was 25C and the liquid was reddish brown.

Muuten olin oikein tyytyväinen näihin värjäyksiin. Ulkona on vielä kasvamassa enemmän väritatarta eli niillä saan tehtyä isomman värjäyksen jatkossa.
In English
After straining, adding washing soda and mixing for 10 minutes the liquid was bluish, but there was very little froth and even that was very light blue. Not promising.
I dyed with this 200grams of yarn and got very very pale blue, not good and I have already overdyed it.
So now I believe that most of the pigments are in that first extract:)
Otherwise I am very pleased with these experiments. As these were my first attempts to dye with fresh leaves I am now more confident to try dyeing with bigger amount of leaves.
what an amazing post -- so full of information! and the colors are so beautiful and soft ... and "natural" ... is there any other "blue" in nature that is natural I wonder?
ReplyDeletethank you for allowing us to follow your adventures in dyeing. You provide a wealth of information, you are a good scientist :)
ReplyDeleteKiitos taas todella mielenkiintoisesta ja yksityiskohtaisesta värjäysselonteosta! Se oli erityisen mielenkiintoinen nyt kun itse tänä kesänä kokeilin ensimmäistä kertaa värimorsingolla värjäämistä. Ihan hyvin onnistui ja kuvia löytyy mun blogista täältä: http://kaisakaisa.blogspot.com/2008/07/colours-of-nature-luonnonvrej-it-seems.html
ReplyDeleteOhjeena käytin Strömsön sivuilta löytynyttä: http://svenska.yle.fi/matochfritid/hobbyartikel.php?id=1962
Mistä ostat natriumditioniitin? minä käytin värinpoistajaa, jossa oli sitä 30%, koska natriumditioniitti on niin kallista apteekista ostettaessa.
Kauniita sinisen sävyjä sinulla!
Reading your blog is so joyful, I love learning, even if I do not dye myself, it is an Art/Science that I can truly appreciate. The photos you share provide a valuable reference for fellow dyers, blue nails and all.
ReplyDeleteYour "food mixer" would be called a hand blender, or a wand blender. Handy little tools, those are! I love your blog, thank you for sharing your adventures. Now I look curiously at every moss and mushroom I come across in the forest. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing such detailed information - the pictures too are particularly helpful.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the comments, it always motivates me to write when know that it helps someone else, and those of you who don't dye, enjoy reading my adventures in creating my colors:)
ReplyDeleteHand blender, I have to remember that word, thank you. I luckily had two of them and now the other one is totally dedicated to dyeing with fresh indigo bearing leaves, japanese indigo and woad which is still waiting to be picked.
It is my curiosity and my need to know why, that makes me write everything down with detail. Then of course it may help someone else, too.The beauty of the natural colors and never-ending new things about them are what fascinate me, and I hope you too:)
Kaisakaisa, todella kauniita sinisiä olit saanut morsingolla! Minun morsinkoni vielä odottavat maassa, nämä japanilaiset indigot ovat hallanarempia ja ne täytyy ensin ehtiä värjätä.. loppuviikoksi on jo luvattu kylmiä öitä, hui.
Olen ostanut ditioniiitin saksalaisesta tukusta isommassa erässä ja silloin se oli halvempaa. Voin myös myydä sitä, mutta lähetys postin kautta ei onnistu, pitäisi hakea torilta:(
Kaupan värinpoistaja on tosi hyvä vaihtoehto ja helppo saada mistä vain.
Tätä japanilaista indigoa voin todella suositella kasvatettavaksi, väripitoisuus on hyvä eikä se ole vaikea kasvattaa, ulkonakin on kasvanut hyvin vaikka on ollut viileä kesä.
Leena, thanks for this description, very interesting! and the blues are lovely! the only problem I have now: will I use the first or the second method:)) I am still spinning some silk yarn to use, but once I have finished that I am going to start dyeing, too!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your experience with us!!! The photos are wonderful and the explanation so thorough that I now feel very confident to try it myself! Thanks you so much!!!