
Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Woad and Flowers Morsinkoa ja kukkakuvia

Vähän puutarhakuvia.
Väritattaret eli japanilaiset indigot (Persicaria tinctoria) kasvavat lämpöä vaativina sekä sisällä kasvihuoneessa että ulkona sen seinustalla. Tänä vuonna se kärsi alkukesän kylmistä öistä, mutta näyttää nyt päässeen kasvun vauhtiin. Kuva kasvista viime viikonloppuna alla. Seinustalla kasvaa myös vähän yrttejä ja salaattia.
Kun kävelee polkua eteenpäin kasvihuoneen taakse pääsee morsinkomaalle.

In English
Some pictures from my garden.
My japanese indigoes (Persicaria tinctoria) grow inside the greenhouse and some also outside in a bed just beside the greenhouse, which is the warmest place. Japanese indigo needs a lot of warmth, this summer it hasn't grown quite so well as last year, because of the cold nights in June, but now it is catching up. Picture of it below taken last week-end.
In the bed by the greenhouse I also grow some herbs and salad.
The path leads me behind the greenhouse to the woad beds.

Istutin morsingot ulos kesäkuun alussa, ylempänä oleva kuva on otettu kesäkuun puolessa välissä ja alapuolella oleva kuva kuukautta myöhemmin nyt eli morsingot ovat kasvaneet oikein hyvin minusta. Kohopenkkiin lisättiin lampaanlantakompostia keväällä, yhtä paljon kuin jos olisin kasvattanut penkissä kaaleja ja heinäkate on pitänyt kosteuden hyvin, niitä ei ole tarvinnut kastella eikä rikkaruohoja ole paljoa tarvinnut kitkeä, mitä nyt yksittäinen ohdake on punkenut maasta. Taimiväli oli n25cm ja se ehkä olisi pitänyt olla suurempi, nyt ne ovat aika tiheässä, vai mitä? Etualalla on tavallista morsinkoa (Isatis tinctoria) ja taaempana harmaalehtinen on kiinalaista morsinkoa (Isatis indigotica), ihan eri näköistä lehdiltään.
Olisiko morsinko jo korjuukypsää?

In English
I planted my woad outside in the beginning of June and the picture above is of them in mid June. The picture below is how they look now, I think they have grown really well. They are in a raised bed in quite heavy soil, and composted sheep manure was added to the bed in spring, the same amount I used when I grow cabbages, so quite a lot. The bed is covered by hay to keep the moisture and prevent weeds, only an occasional thistle has grown through:)
The plants are perhaps planted too close to each other (25cm apart), what do you think?
In the front there is woad (Isatis tinctoria) and behind it chinese woad (Isatis inidgotica) which has much greyer leaves. Do you think my woad looks now ready for harvest?

Tiikerikaunosilmät ovat vielä nupulla, niiden takana lisää morsinkoa ja alakuvassa nyös nupulla olevaa aikaista tarhapiiskua, vaikka suurin osa piiskuistani on vasta myöhään syksyllä kukkivaa lajiketta.
In English
My Coreopsis tinctoria are still in bud, behind them more woad and in the picture below some early goldenrod, Solidago sp. Most of my goldenrods flower in late autumn, but this one flowers in August.
Heinäkuun alussa kukkivat pionit ja raparperit ovat myös isoja.
In English
In the beginning of July my peonies flowered and also the rhubarbs were big.

Ruusutkin kukkivat puutarhassa, taitaa huomata, että pidän vaaleanpunaisista ruusuista:)
Yllä 'Tähtitorninkatu', löytöruusu Helsingistä, joka on tunnistettu olevan damaskonruusu 'Blush Damask'. Alakuvassa siemenestä kasvattamani ruusu, joka nyt kukki kunnolla heinäkuun alussa, kuusi vuotta kylvöstä.
In English
My roses flowered also, I guess you can see I like old pink colors in roses:)
Above an old rose found growing in Helsinki and it has now been identified as 'Blush Damask', very hardy and scented rose. The rose in the picture below is one I have grown from seed, sown six years ago and now it is almost two meters high and had very nice flowers in early July
Jatkuvakukintainen kurttulehtiruusu 'Ritausma' alla.
Below Rosa rugosa 'Ritausma' flowers all summer until autumn.

Ranskanruusut kukkivat vielä parhaillaan, tässä 'Belle sans Flatterie'
Gallicaroses are still in flower, here is 'Belle sans Flatterie'.


  1. Your woad post is very interesting. Thank you. I grew woad and had some reasonably successful dyeing experiences on cotton fabric.....a tad bit light but still pretty. I want to try your madder recipe soon. I have not been very successful in getting red.....some interesting browns though......

  2. What wonderful pictures of your glorious garden! I am so envious of your paeonies! Your dye plants are certainly flourishing & the woad looks very vigorous. I'm impressed by the orderly way you grow your plants. I'm afraid mine are rarely in rows!

    Good wishes
    Jenny D

  3. Thanks for sharing photos of your garden. I agree with Chris, that your woad looks harvestable. Last year, I was able to get three good harvests off my woad plants; they grew back so vigorously! You may get bigger plants if they were growing further apart, but I tend to plant mine rather close, as I lack the space to really spread them out. I have one weld plant, growing out on it's own, I've really been's grown quite large, and as it goes to seed, all the flower spikes are starting to swirl around the plant like a giant, 3-d helix.

  4. Thanks for the heads-up with woad:)
    I'll try it this week-end. I think my japanese indigo inside in the green house looks almost ready,too, but the ones growing outsíde need more time.
    It is easy to make the garden look good in the pictures, I'm glad you can't see all the things I didn't photograph:) Grass clippings and old hay keep the weeds from growing quite efficiently as well as keep the moisture so that helps me a lot, even though that might not look so tidy.
    Peonies are my new love, together with geraniums and primroses, my Primula florindaes are just starting to flower in the shade, and even though they are yellow I like them so much:)

  5. What a beautiful, peaceful garden! Roses from seed? I would never have thought of that, but in your hands, it is certainly magic.

  6. The Peonies are so beautiful and the Rose you grew form seeds is very pretty as well. I cannot grow Peonies as our weather never gets cold enough. They are one of my favorite flowers.

  7. Hi Leena
    Your garden looks quite beautiful and your woad looks very healthy and strong. I am so impressed that your woad is grown in orderly rows!
    I hope your harvesting goes well for you

  8. Thanks Madeline, Jean and Helen.
    It is always a surprise when you grow roses from seed, but sometimes very nice ones can come out of it:)

    I have had very bad time with my woad last week-end (I almost gave up on them!)and only today managed to finally get good blue from them. I didn't think it would be so difficult, but of course anything is easy when you know how to do it:)
    Posting about it won't be until next week-end, I have couple of busy days ahead.

  9. Hi Leena! Your garden is so beautiful! I went looking for your blush damask rose...I would like to plant one in my garden. Is this the same as yours:

    Thanks, Kate/Massachusetts

    dfuller55 at verizon dot net

  10. Hi Kate, thanks:)
    I don't think that is the same rose, it says that it is bourbon rose and repeat blooming and my 'Blush Damask' blooms only once and is damacena rose. I think this is the same
    even though it doesn't look exactly same. The bourbon rose in your link looks really nice and as it is repeat blooming, it would be even better:)
    I have found theses pages helpful.
